If you search online for the common English expression "The dog ate my homework", you will find thousands of references; jokes, memes, videos, images, even a Wikipedia entry. If you have heard this excuse from your students, or any similar excuses, it's time to review your approach to homework. All too often homework is undervalued, by teachers and students alike. Students can struggle to find the motivation to do homework, and teachers can struggle to find the inspiration to set it.
This webinar will explore the idea of using homework as an opportunity to train students to become lifelong, independent language learners. We will look at ideas for using readily available and free to use online tools, such as YouTube and Google Translate. Teachers will be shown how they can help their students to develop the digital competencies to use such tools effectively, to access interesting content online and, ultimately, to become fully independent language learners. The homework activities we set today should become the autonomous learning activities of the future.
This webinar will be suitable for language teachers of teenagers and adults.